Square graphic image with a photo of Joe Lewis 2023 El Paso County Veteran of the Year in the Center.

May 13, 2024 – The El Paso County Division of Veterans Services announced Joe Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret), as the 2023 Veteran of the Year. Mr. Lewis was recognized at the Colorado Springs Chamber and EDC’s Military Affairs Council Armed Forces Luncheon on May 13 at the DoubleTree Hilton in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Joseph Lewis is an esteemed military Veteran who dedicated 25 years of service to the armed forces. After active duty, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Joseph Lewis founded Angels of America’s Fallen, devoting his life to supporting the children of fallen military personnel, Coast Guard members, and first responders.

Under the visionary leadership of Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Joseph Lewis, Angels of America’s Fallen has thrived, enriching the lives of over 550 children through 40,000 developmental activities across the nation. In a testament to his leadership, the organization secured a substantial $500,000 foundation grant in 2023, leading to a remarkable 25% expansion in its reach.

“I’m honored to be selected as the El Paso County Veteran of the Year. There are so many outstanding veterans in our community, and I’m humbled to have even been considered,” said Joseph Lewis. “I have personally benefitted so much from the tremendous opportunities our military provides, and I was fortunate to have served alongside amazing people from all over our country. Unfortunately, many of them made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, and their children continue to sacrifice after that loss. I felt called to support these children and their remaining parents, and I’ve been blessed by the support of fantastic people in that effort.”

Since its inception in 2017, the El Paso County Veteran of the Year Program has honored and recognized El Paso County Veterans who have served their country and made significant contributions to the local Veteran community.

“El Paso County is proud to serve and honor our Veterans. One way we acknowledge their service is through the Veteran of the Year Program,” said Marshall Bosworth, El Paso County Division of Veterans Services Manager. “We are proud to recognize Mr. Lewis this year. His outstanding contributions and dedicated service make him the worthy recipient of the 2023 El Paso County Veteran of the Year Award.”

To learn more about the El Paso County Veteran of the Year Program and past recipients, visit the El Paso County Veterans Services Veteran of the Year webpage ( https://justiceservices.elpasoco.com/veterans-services/veteran-of-the-year/).

To learn more about Angels of America’s Fallen, visit their webpage https://aoafallen.org/.